Updated on July 9th, 2022

What to blog about? Perhaps you’ve realised the benefits of having a blog and you’re ready to get started. So what now? A blank computer screen can be daunting for all of us. If you’re stumped for ideas, we’re here to help. In a nutshell:
Blog about things that you’re really passionate about. By doing this your Interest and curiosity will push you to keep creating even on those days when you don’t feel like it. You’ll have a lot more content ideas to write about and your deep interest will keep you going over time. For further ideas and examples, keep reading.
In this article, we’ll share with you our best sources of inspiration for blog ideas. We hope that they will inspire you to start writing your first blog post today.
Your passions are pointing you to what to blog about

Blog about Travel
Most people like to travel, and if you like to travel, you generally want to read reviews about travel experience, overseas cities and other cultures. One of my favourite blogs is by Johnny FD. His blog covers his worldwide travel living nomadically as a location independent entrepreneur. It’s worth checking out.

It might not even be international travel, but just local attractions that you can blog about. Information on local hikes and bushwalking is really valuable to a lot of people. Sites like culturetrip provide local hiking information plus a whole range of travel reviews for various cities around the world.

Travel blogs lend themselves well to good photography. If you can take your own photos on your travels and skilfully blend them into your narrative, that’s a fantastic asset to your blog. Also try to include maps and Youtube videos if you can.
Financial Information and Review Sites
Everyone is looking to save money and get the best deal on financial services. If you’ve got financial knowledge, blogging about life hacks or ways to make your paycheque stretch further are particularly invaluable.
These blogs are particularly good and will provide some inspiration:
- Mr Money Mustache – money saving hacks. Peter Adeney shows how he was able to retire at the age of 30 from his job as a software engineer. He shows how you can do the same.

- Nerdwallet – A long running site and a terrific resource when you are sourcing the best deal on a credit card, bank account or investment product.

- MoneySavingExpert – British consumer finance journalist Martin Lewis founded this website in 2003 and it continues to provide relevant useful financial product information.

Food, Cafe and Style Blogs
Restaurant and cafe blogs are a big thing. Everyone is interested in health and wellbeing. Literally everyone has to eat, and food related content will always do well.
Restaurant and food blogs do well when they include high Quality and well-curated photography.

FirstWeFeast is another example of a food blog that combines Youtube and written content into a hugely popular magazine style blog. Hollywood starts such as Kirsten Stewart and Seth Rogan review popular foods like burgers and hot wings.

What do you want to learn is what to blog about!
To write a blog, you don’t need to be a total expert in your subject by any means. In fact, you just need to know more than others about the knowledge that you’ll share.
You can actually learn about your interest while writing a blog about it. This means that writing a blog can be one of the best ways to learn as you write. It pushes you to investigate your niche with greater depth as you need to write about it in your own words. You need to understand your subject before you can write about it.
Pat Flynn started his first blog GreenExamAcademy while he was studying for the LEED architecture exam. Hand-written notes just weren’t doing it for him, so in 2007 he started his first blog. He started the site to replace note-taking and to keep himself accountable while he was studying for the exam.

Many years later, it’s still running, helping people to pass the LEED exam and it’s also become very profitable.
What do you know?

What’s not out there? – Someone has an itch to be scratched
In summary – what to blog about
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I choose a topic related to my job or my hobby to blog about?
It may be either as long as it’s your passion. No matter what you blog about, It’s important that you enjoy writing on the topic. Blogging is a long term game. Your interest and enjoyment is the thing that’ll keep you going over long periods of time.
Should my blog be very focused or cover a wide range of topics?
Generally it’s better to be in a narrow niche but don’t make it too narrow. By broadening the scope of your website you’ll have much more to write about. You won’t feel as constrained as if you write in a narrow topic.
Should I blog on my own website or or Medium?
It’s generally best to blog on your own website. This should preferably be your own self hosted site not a blogging platform. You can then syndicate your articles to sites like Medium as long as you mark it as a canonical link on those sites.
Is it worth setting up a blog in a crowded niche?
Yes it’s absolutely still worth it. If a niche is crowded it also means that there is a lot of potential traffic. Accordingly with so many potential viewers there’s always room for another point of view. Also blogs are either on the rise or the decline so there’s always room being made for new blogs.
Is blogging still worth it?
Blogging sure isn’t going anywhere soon. Google is still the biggest search engine and it’s where people first look for information.
A blog also becomes the focal point of all of your other social platforms, Youtube and your total online presence. It’s an asset that you own which can’t be taken away so you need to build it for the long term.
Should I use questions that I ask in Google as blog topics?
Yes, these are often the best blog topics. Why so? Because they are unique to you. Another thing is that they may be a new trending topic that no other blogger has yet explored.
One of the best way to find keyphrases to blog about is to use Google Autocomplete. Start typing a search query in Google and see which related searches start showing up. This is a definite sign that this is a Google search keyphrase.
By writing on your own questions, you will also be pushed to research the topic at the same time that you write it. This is an amazing learning experience as you’ll need to fully understand it to write about it.