Updated on July 10th, 2022

Sharing your ideas and creativity through a blog is one of the most satisfying things that you can do. You want to start writing, but obviously you’ll need to come up with a cool and memorable name for your website. To devise a catchy blog name, it’s possible that you’ve already thought of something great.
In most cases, however, it’s a longer process. You’ll need to spend some considerable time in thinking, brainstorming and mulling various blog names over, perhaps using some of the tools below. Furthermore, the blog name should be memorable, punchy, catchy and potentially brandable.
An obvious advantage of optimising the name is an improvement in your search engine rankings. This is because your post description (also known as your SEO title) which appears in Google search results shorter domain names tend to be more memorable and shareable. Thereby, they get more clicks.

Brainstorm and actively create your own memorable and short catchy blog name
The first thing to remember is that you’ll need a domain name for your blog. So this should be in front of mind when brainstorming names. If the name you want is already taken, you’ll need to consider the cost of trying to buy it using a domain brokerage service. It could be either really expensive or impossible to get that name, so bear that in mind.

It’s usually best to go with a .com domain unless your blog is focussed towards one country only. For example, if your blog is only focussed towards restaurants in the United Kingdom, a .co.uk URL might be preferable. There’s also a greater chance that you’ll find the URL that you’re looking for and will be more likely to get ranked in search results for the UK.
What’s the Goal of your Blog
What type of blog do you want to run? The type of blog plus industry or niche will have a huge impact on how you name it. Select a name that fits in with your tribe of readers. You need something that your audience can feel comfortable with and trust.
For example a Tech related blog is suited to a tech-sounding name eg Techradar
Whereas, a blog about music or art might use a fun name like Idolator or Popjustice.

Accordingly, a news blog would sound … well newsworthy! eg. HuffingtonPost and Business Insider
Get Creative
Consider the purpose of your blog and come up with a list of all keyword mashups of the name that you can think of. Throw everything down onto your list. Then use a thesaurus such as the one at Thesaurus.com to find synonyms for all your words:

A common blog name construction contains a mix of a noun (a thing) eg. Tech with a verb (an action) eg. Crunch. Combined together, these words produce a blog name with purpose and clarity. ie. TechCrunch. These mashed up names can be dynamic, memorable and perfect for blogging.

Another great domain name generator is Domain Wheel. This site delivers some really interesting and unique domain name results:

Domain marketplaces – done for you but at a cost

Hire Someone to Devise a Catchy Blog Name

The other method is to engage the services of a design agency. This is obviously a more costly option, but the upside is that you should get a professional outcome. As with Fiverr, it’s recommend to review their prior work before agreeing to a contract. Also make sure that you’re happy with their pricing and read any reviews or testimonials of their prior work.
Summary – best way for you to come up with a catchy blog name
While domain marketplaces seem appealing, I’d recommend that you do the process yourself. Feel free to get creative, throw combinations together and use use online tools. Mull your creations over and let your subconscious work on them while you sleep.
Spend days or weeks if you need to. It means a lot to get the name right, so make it something catchy, easy to say and that you would be proud to share.
As you brainstorm your ideas, check domain name availability. Then grab that perfect domain name for your blog before someone else does!
If you’re interested in starting a website or blog, we’ve put together a step-by-step guide that you might find useful. The guide can be found at this link.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does a blog name need to contain the keywords of its niche?
It’s certainly desirable but in no means necessary for your blog name to contain keywords that you want to rank for.
The main benefit of having suitable keywords In your blog title is that it’ll be more recognisable in search results and hence attract more clicks.
What’s the best domain extension for a blog?
In most cases, .com (dot com) is still the best domain extension for a blog. It’s internationally recognised so you’ll be given authority in search. This will improve your click through rate as search engine users tend to be more familiar with .com domains.
Are all the good dot com domain names already taken?
No, although it might seem that there are no good domain names left, the opposite is actually true. There’s literally unlimited numbers of new dot com domain names available containing multiple name mash-ups.
Should I include the country code In the domain extension for my blog?
It depends upon whom the target readers are going to be. For example, if your blog is meant for your local country primarily then include the appropriate country code domain extension. This will mean that your blog posts are more likely to be shown to search engine users in your country.
Alternatively, If your blog is meant for a worldwide audience then don’t include the country extension.
What’s the best domain extension for a blog?
The .com extension is still by far and away the best choice for most blogs. It’s the most recognisable extension in the world and for this reason alone it’s more likely that search engine users will click on your page in search results.
Main Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash